Pain Management Therapy
Cell Detoxification Rejuvenation Therapy
Lymphatic Restoration and Detoxification Therapy
Ionic Footbath Therapy
Salt Scrub and Reflexology
Infrared Sauna Treatment
Nutrition and Health Analysis
Christian Counseling and Prayer
Emotional Balancing with Flower Essences and Essential Oils with Counseling and Prayer
Ear Candling
Nature Sunshine Herbs and Vitamins
Young Living and Thieves Products
More Products and Therapies to come
Herbs were commonly used long before western pharmaceuticals were introduced. Treating and preventing medical conditions with herbs is naturally safe, just as it has been for thousands of years.
Energy work has been used for healing the whole body since the beginning of time as well.
My energy work is based on the power of my Lord Jesus Christ, Heavenly Father, Holy Spirit. He is the one who created us and knows us best and is the Great Physician. He uses me as a tool, a messenger, and a prayer warrior to help each person He puts in front of me. I am very passionate about my work, my responsibility and the gift God has given me. Believe me its not an easy job but one I am thankful for, I'm proud to service God and to help all of you, and I am honored to do so.
We specialize in drug free treatments to help reduce your pain. Many testimonies confirming huge reduction of pain for Lyme's disease patients, for Lupus patients, for cancer patients, patients with tissue damage, accident patients, for headaches, toothaches, back pain and much more. Our goal is to treat and relieve your pain permanently instead of using pharmaceuticals for temporary relief.
Its important for me to say something here. Please get the old filings out of your mouth and do NOT do root canals! Your dentist will most likely agree with getting old fillings out and NOT using silver/mercury fillings again. But chances are he will not agree that root canals are a problem. THEY ARE!! Dr. Jerry Tennant talks about this. He is one of the nationally known leading holistic doctors now in this country and a wonderful instructor I was honored to learn under. You can find him on YouTube. Please take care of your teeth! They connect to every part of your entire body. Come in and I will show you how.
Call for an appointment 661 342 5033
Call about the present Promotions
Modern western medicine is commonly known for its medicine with a long list of side effects, overdose problems, nausea and trips to the hospital. The goal of holistic medicine treatments is to locate the root of your health issues and restore your health naturally. Holistic medicine can treat many chronic and acute diseases, rather than managing or suppress them, simply to become an even more serious problem later in life. Our goal is to provide a deeper healing for you on a mental, emotional, physical and spiritual level.
Certified in Pain Management with Bio Energetics and Electromagnetic frequency tools.
These are proven tools, you see here in my hands, developed from Dr. Royal Rife's technology to help reduce your pain, even eliminate your pain and heal the body through natural methods without using addictive drugs that add toxins to your body. We use special infrared light frequency therapies, scaler energy, herbal therapy, God directed energy work and reflexology as well as essential oils and flower essences to reduce pain, or eliminate pain and heal your body, mind and spirit.
I often combine the cellular detoxification process with the Ionic footbath, and body reading. Body reading is simply reading what your body is telling me. Sound strange? Its amazing how God made our bodies and how much they will tell us if we learn how to listen. Finding the root of your pain is very important. Pain can develop over time for many reasons. Emotional issues can create pain, trauma, extreme stress, internal illness, and injury can all cause pain. Pain in your body is often based from unrecognized emotions, and manifests itself through physical pain. There is often an emotional response to the pain in our body. Unless of course you have simply over worked your muscles or experienced a physical accident. Come in for an assessment and a consultation.
Information to greatly help painful arthritis coming soon. I have not had the time to write it out here, but your welcome to come in and talk to me about it.
More Information to Come